% Encoding: UTF-8 @InProceedings{Koika+PLDI2020, author = {Bourgeat, Thomas and Pit-Claudel, Clément and Chlipala, Adam and Arvind}, title = {The Essence of {Bluespec}: A Core Language for Rule-Based Hardware Design}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 41st {ACM} {SIGPLAN} Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation}, year = 2020, series = {{PLDI} 2020}, pages = {243–257}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery}, isbn = 9781450376136, url = {https://pit-claudel.fr/clement/papers/koika-PLDI20.pdf}, doi = {10.1145/3385412.3385965}, numpages = 15, keywords = {Compiler Correctness, Hardware Description Language, Semantics}, location = {London, UK} }